A Herbalism Course Guide
Herbalism is a way of life, a never ending and constantly changing path. When you step forth out on your own, experimenting with growing herbs and mixing herbal medicines can seem daunting. And while you never need to take a course to be a herbalist, some may benefit from a guiding hand on their individual journey.
I know I certainly did!
When I began looking at courses the landscape seemed littered and confusing and while I stumbled and found my way eventually it was not without its upheaval. So here is a quick and concise guide to show you your way through the trees and just maybe help you on your way.
This guide is split into 3 types of course, foundation, professional, and improvers, each with an explanation and a few links to get you started.
Foundation Courses:
Foundation courses are for people that may want slightly more direction or structure to their learning. There is so much to do and experience when it comes to herbal medicine that sometimes you have no idea where to go with it. Foundation courses are perfect for this as you will touch on a little of everything and begin to deepen your knowledge in some areas; and if you think you want to do a full course and become a clinical herbalist but you aren’t sure and want to get a taste of a career before diving in. The keyworks you are looking for when searching for foundation courses are HOME, FOUNDATION, APPRENTICE.
Here are just a few of the many foundation courses available:
Heartwood Foundation: https://heartwoodeducation.net/courses/foundation-2.html
Betonica- Home Herbalist Course: https://www.betonica.co.uk/in-person-home-herbalist-course
The plant medicine school- At home with herbs: https://theplantmedicineschool.com/courses/herbal-apprenticeship
The School of Health: https://www.schoolofhealth.com/herbal-medicine/herbal-medicine-foundation-course/certificate/
The Wild Apothecary: https://www.wildapothecary.com/courses-4
The Seed Sistas – Sensory Herbal Apprenticeship: https://seedsistas.co.uk/sensory-herb-apprenticeship/
Professional courses:
At this point you’ve had some herbal experience, and you are looking for a more in-depth knowledge of herbal medicine. You may want to start a professional course if you are looking to treat people in your community or want to become a clinician one day and see patients. Professional courses like these train you up to a high level, degree or degree adjacent, some come with “recognised” qualifications through a traditional herbal body such as NIMH (National Institute of Medical Herbalists) and all of them will train you slightly differently.
Remember when you are looking for a herbal school its about you and how you learn, what course is going to stick with you the best? Suits your learning style? Do you want online? In person? Blended?
There is a course for every type of learner and don’t be afraid to ask for meetings and shop about. Here are just a few:
Heartwood Professional - https://heartwoodeducation.net/courses/professional.html
Betonica - https://www.betonica.co.uk/about-the-professional-programme
Lincoln University - https://www.lincolncollege.ac.uk/course/level-6-bsc-hons-clinical-herbalism-full-time
Core College - https://www.corecollege.com/
The Plant Medicine School - https://theplantmedicineschool.com/
College of Natropathic medicine Postgraduate course - https://www.naturopathy-uk.com/courses-eu/courses-pg-herbal-medicine/
The school of Herbal Medicine: https://www.schoolofherbalmedicine.co.uk/training/
Herbal Academy (American Organisation): https://theherbalacademy.com/https://monicawilde.com/how-to-become-a-herbalist/
Improvers Courses:
Your herbal training never truly ends, and whether or not you choose to train traditionally under an institution, many herbalists have created and run herbal courses on their own speciality. You can take these courses at any point in your herbal journey and get specialist or improved knowledge in one area.
Solidarity apothecary-Herbalism and PTSD course: https://solidarityapothecary.org/herbalismandptsdcourse/
College of Phytotherapy practitioners- Functional Herbal Therapy and cancer Course: https://thecpp.uk/courses/
Kami McBride – Herbal oils course: https://kamimcbride.com/herb-classes-events-lectures/
Abril Dobrea – Tea courses: https://beautyherbsandtea.com/collections/courses
For full and complete explanation of the courses check out this video I made for my personal Youtube Channel @thewisdomwench
May your journey continue,